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Text File
241 lines
| README file for
| ELSA Windows driver, ver 5.39
| Copyright (c) 1994-97 ELSA GmbH, Aachen (Germany)
| Subsidary:
| Sonnenweg 11 2150 Trade Zone Blvd.
| D-52070 Aachen Suite 101
| Germany San Jose, CA 95131
| Phone : +49-241-606-0 Phone: +1-408-935-0350
| Support Fax: +49-241-606-6399 Phone: 1-800-272-ELSA
| BBS (modem): +49-241-606-9800 Fax : +1-408-935-0370
| BBS (ISDN) : +49-241-606-9820 BBS : +1-408-935-0380
| CompuServe : GO ELSA CIS : GO ELSA
| WWW : http://www.elsa.de WWW : http://www.elsa.com
| 05/30/97, ABlum
Table of Contents:
1. Overview
2. Contents
3. Installation
1. Overview
This directory contains the ELSA Windows drivers as
well as ELSA Windows applications, e.g. WINman and SETUP.
The Windows drivers support all resolutions and color depths
available with the ELSA graphics boards. All Windows
drivers on this disk take best advantage of the ELSA graphics
hardware, thus enabling the full feature set of the boards for
use in Windows. Ergonomics as well as Windows performance are
significantly enhanced by the drivers.
WINman is a Windows utility program to configure the rich
feature set of the drivers. It features a intuitive user
interface that allows you to configure resolution, color
depth, refresh rate and the virtual desktop.
WINman offers extensive online help, describing it's own and
the Windows drivers' configuration options. Please take the time
to read the online help! It will help you better take advantage
of your ELSA graphic board.
SETUP is an installation program for the installation of the
ELSA Windows driver and the ELSA Windows utilities.
2. Contents
Almost all files are compressed, their names are slightly
changed. Please note that the files can NOT just be copied
from this directory. (see installation)
This directory contains the following files:
DATE.DOC file identifying the disk, prod. date, etc.
README.TXT the file you currently look at
LIESMICH.TXT german version of README
OEMSETUP.INF control file for Microsoft SETUP
WINVCT08.DR_ 256 color driver ( 8 bpp)
WINVCT16.DR_ 64k color driver (16 bpp)
WINVCT24.DR_ 16M color driver (24 bpp)
WINVGA.2G_ grabber file
WINVCT.2G_ grabber file
VDDWIN.38_ virtuell device driver
VDDVCT.38_ virtuell device driver
WINVGA.3G_ grabber file
WINVCT.3G_ grabber file
8514FIX.FO_ several system fonts for the both
8514OEM.FO_ font/captionbar sizes
8514SYS.FO_ "
WINMAN.EX_ WINman program
WINMAN.MO_ WINman monitor configuration file
WINMADEU.DL_ german resource DLL for WINman
WINMADEU.HL_ german help file for WINman
WINMADEU.DL_ english resource DLL for WINman
WINMAENG.HL_ english help file for WINman
SETUP.EXE Setup Programm: loads WSETUP.EXE
WSETUP.EX_ Wsetup program
WSETUP.INF Wsetup installation description file
WSETUDEU.DL_ german resource DLL for WSETUP
WSETUDEU.HL_ german help file for WSETUP
WSETUENG.DL_ english resource DLL for WSETUP
WSETUENG.HL_ english help file for WSETUP
In case of trouble during or after installation, please make
sure you have all the files mentioned above!
3. Installation
ATTENTION! Before updating from version 5.34 you have setup the
vga display driver first!
3.1 Installation of the ELSA Windows driver with ELSA SETUP.EXE
You can install the ELSA Windows drivers with the program
SETUP.EXE on this disk "Drivers for Windows 3.1x" or with CD ROM.
Start Windows, call in the "Program Manager" "File"/"Run ...",
enter the commandline "a:setup" or the corresponding path on the
ELSA CD (e.g. D:\VICTORY\3D\WIN31\SETUP.EXE) and confirm with
SETUP asks for your language, installs the ELSA Windows drivers
and configures with WINman a fitting graphics mode.
Afterwards (and also at following calls of SETUP), when the
Windows driver installation is o.k., you may install additional
Windows utility programs.
3.2 Installation of the ELSA Windows driver with Microsoft SETUP.EXE
Make sure to have the original Windows 3.1 distribution disk
present. The installation procedure will ask you for some of
these disks. To install the ELSA Windows drivers, please exit
Windows and change to your Windows directory and run the
Microsoft SETUP program. Select the menu 'displays', scroll down
to the end of the list and select 'Other'.
SETUP will ask for a floppy disk. Please insert the ELSA
Windows disk into your floppy drive and press <Enter>.
SETUP will offer a list of choices of ELSA graphic boards to
install from the floppy.
Please locate and select the entry that corresponds to product
name of your ELSA graphic board.' SETUP will install and change all
neccessary files for you. If you update an existing installation,
SETUP will ask whether it should update or keep old files. Please
be sure to press <ESC> to update the existing files. After SETUP
completes the installation rerun Windows.
ELSA WINman will automatically be launched. WINman is a tool to
help you configure and customize the ELSA graphic board and your
monitor. You can request help in WINman anytime by pressing the
<F1> key.
CAVEAT: Do NEVER enter the path to your Windows system
directory if SETUP asks for a DISK. Otherwise the
update fails possibly.
3.3 User Hints WINman
WINman installs itself in the Program Group ELSAware in Windows.
After the initial installation and first call, you can call
WINman from your Program Group ELSAware.
At first use you should run "First ..." completly inclusive
storing a Windows graphicmode.
Later you may modify your graphics mode under "Graphicmode ...".
After storing more than one graphicmode, WINman starts with a
fast graphics mode switching menu. Then you may switch your
Windows graphics mode very fast without testing with test
In all menus you will find context sensitive help (with "Help"-
button or with F1-key).
3.4 Video-acceleration with DCI
3.4.1 Installation of DCI-support
To activate the DCI capability of the graphics board, you have
to install VfW 1.1d (or higher) from the delivered ELSA CD. Even
when you have installed VfW before, it is necessary to run
the installation from the ELSA CD, because some additional files
are copied to the windows system directory and the file
SYSTEM.INI is modified, too.
To install VfW you have to run SETUP.EXE under windows from
the directory \ELSAWARE\VFW from the ELSA CD.
The following files are copied to the windows system directory:
UDH.DLL (Universal Draw Handler)
The installation-software also modifies the SYSTEM.INI-file:
3.4.2 Hints
- If an application doesn't use DCI, there will be no
- DCI allows direct access of visible display-memory (called
"Primary Surface"). If no DCI is available, an application
needs two steps to render an image: First it renders the image
into a bitmap in the computer's main memory. Then it uses GDI
to copy the bitmap onto the visible display. With DCI the
program can write directly into the display's memory, which is
faster than using GDI and a bitmap. The disadvantage is, that
the data must be compatible to the display's color-depth
(e.g 8-bit palettized, 16-bit hicolor, 32-bit true-color),
otherwise the application has to convert the color-space
itself, which takes a lot of time.
- The ELSA gui-accelerators have integrated circuitry to
minimize the amount of CPU-power needed to playback video.
These boards support access to invisible display-memory
(called "OffScreen Surface"), managed by our ELSA DCI driver.
When an application finished drawing into offscreen, it
advises the DCI-driver to render the offscreen-image into
visible display-memory. The DCI-driver uses the accelerator-
hardware to perform shrinking, stretching and/or color-
Increasing resolution and color-depth shrinks available
offscreen-memory, so that a video may not fit into it anymore.
This causes the DCI-driver to switch back to "Primary